

수업 중 나온 문법적 오류를 정리합니다
생각 : It is just my think → It is just my thought
걱정하다 : The government did not concerned about society → The government was not concerned about society or The government did not concern society
반응 : react → reaction or response
수업을 듣다 : in a class → on a class
영향을 받다 : will influenced by others → will be influenced by others
비교급 : more worse → worse
아프지 않은 : unpainful → painless
이과 : STEM
문과 : liberal arts
명확하게 정의하다 : I can defindefinitely clear my future → I can clearly define my future
**하면 안 된다 : I have to don’t waste my money → I have to not waste my money or I should not waste my money
독립적으로 : living in independence → livnig independently
만족하다 : I can not satisfy ** → I can not be satisfied with **
자퇴 : drop-out
자퇴하다 : drop out
10월에 : on October → in October (시 → at, 날 → on, 달 → in, 연 → in)
평생 : the whole of my life < my whole life
일부는 진실 : It is part of true → It is partially true
죽게 하다 : They can give people death → They can cause people to die
**에 대한 소문 : I don’t like gossip of me → I don’t like gossip about me
옷을 벗다 : wear off clothes → take off clothes
겹겹이 : If we dress in many things → If we dress in many layers
표정 : I can’t control my face → I can’t control my facial expression
외향적인 : extroversial → extroverted
대부분의 : most housework → most of the housework
영화를 보러 가다 : go watching movies → go watch movies
상상 : imagine → imagination
9월에 : on September → in September (날짜 → on)
여행가다 : go trip alone → go on a trip alone
영향을 주다 : The umemployment rate impressed the whole stock market → The umemployment rate influenced the whole stock market
약속 : 친구들 → have plans
대다수 : The most of athletes → The majority of athletes
시즌 메뉴 : season menu → seasonal menu
적은 돈 : They give me small money → They give me a low salary
가치가 없다 : It does not worth it → It is not worth it
지겨운 : I was very boring → I was very bored
자본주의 국가 : capitalism country → capitalist country
사고가 나다 : get a car accident → get into a car accident
나쁜 기억 : I havd bad memories for Apple → I havd bad memories from Apple
SNS : in Instagram → on Instagram
사회적인 : socialized person < social person (사회화된 → socialized)
할 일이 많았어 : I had so lot to do → I had so much to do
관점 : people’s sight → people’s view
비슷한 : similar with me < similar to me
선호 : preferation → preferences
피곤한 : It is tired → It is tiring
부끄러운 : I am shamed < I am ashamed or embarrassed
인생 전체 : for all of my life < for my whole life
저녁 식사 시간에 : in the dinner → at dinner
남사친, 여사친 : male friend, female friend
외모를 우선시하다 : important of appearance → prioritize appearance
최근에 : in recent → recently
미래에 : in future → in the future
불륜 : love affair (바람피다 → cheat on)
헤어지다 : break the relationship → break up with her
첫 눈에 : in one sight → at first sight
이별 : broke up → break up
규칙을 따르다 : keep the rules → follow the rules
질투하는 : jealous for him → jealous of him
찐친 그룹 : close friends group
5년을 사겼다 : I have been met her during 5 years → I have been seeing her for 5 years
두려워하다 : have some afraid → was afraid or scared of
SNS : sns → social media
명사, 동사 구분 : I will choice → I will choose
즐길 만한 : Getting recognition is more enjoy thing → Getting recognition is more enjoyable < It's more fun to be recognized
예방하다 : prevent them to → prevent them from
말하다 : say me → say to me
어려워하다 : feel difficult → feel difficulty or find it difficult
두려워하다 : feel scary → feel scared (무섭다 → It is scary)
응시하다 : staring me → staring at me
만족하다 : They can be satisfy with → They can be satisfied with
공감하다 : empathize others → empathize with others (동정하다 → sympathize with)
불규칙적인 : unregular → irregular
SNS에서 : in SNS → on social media (= on Naver, on TicToc, on Instagram)
말하다 : I try not to talk my true feelings → I try not to say my true feelings (or speak my mind)
다이어트하는 사람 : people who are getting diet → people who are dieting (or dieters)
인칭 : People sells → People sell
감사한 : I was thank you about → I was thankful to him for
동사 : I will sad → I will be sad
동사, 형용사 구분 : felt apologize → felt apologetic
전치사 사용 : I am scared losting → I am scared of losing
저녁 늦게 : When I enter my school at late → When I enter my school late at night
지겨운 : It does not get bored → It does not get boring
자신감 : I don’t have convince → I don’t have confidence